The Summit Series of coaching: Powerful discussions

The climb to the peak starts with a journey inward to unlock your full potential.

Claude: Increasing self awareness and the power of exploring within

  • The power of silence, creating self awareness

    The Summit Series: Claude, Session 1: The Power of silence in self-discovery

    For the big goal of our work together, Claude wants to further develop her self-awareness, which includes a transition from a 'bossy, controlling' presence to one of serenity and calm.

    This is the first of our 6 sessions together, and it is powerful!

    During this session, we pause, and sit together in silence for an extended period of time. Pay close attention to how her energy shifts during this exercise, and the powerful awareness that comes as a result of it.

    #powerofsilence, #powerofthepause, #coaching, #selfawareness, #selfawareness, #headheartgut, #powerfulcoaching

  • Valentine's Day Relationship Coaching

    The Summit Series: Claude, Session 2: Internal and External Relationships

    Valentine's Day is the perfect day to discuss relationships, how we are present in them, how we are creating them, and understanding that ultimately, it's NOT about the other person.
    #relationshipcoaching, #relationshipcoachingforwomen #selfawareness #valentines #being,

  • Anchoring a Flow State, Living in Harmony

    The summit series: Claude, session 3: Letting go of old patterns, granting permission to be

    With the energy now shifted in her relationship, Claude wants to anchor her new awareness and energy so it flows more naturally as her new state of being.

    Our conversation starts with a desire to let go of her old controlling and over-achieving parts and replace them with a flow state of presence & harmony.

    We explore fears, the weights that we place on ourselves, and giving ourselves permission to BE.

    This session also includes another extended exploration within silence.

    #Being, #controlling, #overachiever #satisfied #flowstate, #harmonyofself #permissiontobe, #powerofsilence

  • Successful, happy, smiling, joyous coaching session outcomes

    The Summit Series: Claude, Session 4: success!!! Full ownership of being

    Our fourth session together is actually the conclusion of our work! And, it's a #short conversation.

    From our very first session, Claude has been on a journey of shifting her being, doing deep introspection and being vulnerable in our conversations.

    This authenticity, and willingness to look inward, has paid off in just 4 sessions!

    Our meeting today had no agenda, as there was nothing to discuss. Claude has reached her summit!

    There is an important point at the end of this video that is key to any coaching interaction: when the client is complete, the work is complete. There is no need to force a session, or to push for more time together.

    I could feel it at the beginning of our chat today, and we talked a bit to see if anything arose, but it was clear in her energy that Claude has embodied her new sense of self completely.


    #coaching, #personaldevelopment, #personalownership, #selfownership, #selfauthority, #being, #successstory #manifesting, #peaceandcalm,

Kanika: Overcoming Self-Doubt and finding extraordinary self-belief

  • Kanika smiling as she discovers her belief in self

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching. Kanika, Session #1: Overcoming Self Doubt, Rediscovering Confidence and Power

    This is one of the most powerful conversations I have ever had!

    In this conversation, Kanika discusses her tendency to doubt herself “a lot.”

    It’s a common human experience, particularly in those who are driven to higher success.

    Not only does Kanika discover her inner strength her, she also creates #mantras to help her remember her empowered state.

    By the end of the session, she describes herself as “a strong, powerful woman with self-belief.”

    It’s an incredible journey and transformation!

    #lifecoaching, #realtalk, #avoidance, #overcomingselfdoubt #overcomingshame, #negativeselftalk #manifesting, #patterns #coaching #transformationalcoaching

  • Overcoming the spiral of thoughts of failure, creating an observer state

    The Summit Series: Transformational coaching: Kanika, Session #2: Becoming Joyful, Empowered, & Happy

    After an incredible shift in our first session, Kanika discusses what she has noticed as a pattern of falling into self-doubt, even when she’s been confident.

    She initially believes in herself, but then the old thoughts creep back in to distract her from her power.

    After uncovering how these thoughts of doubt are actually serving her in the short-term, the conversation takes a huge energy shift as Kanika declares her joyful, empowered, happy self and connects to the true wisdom in her gut.

    The result of this exploration of the #three brains, (the head, heart, and gut) is her foundation of EXTRAORDINARY SELF-BELIEF.

  • NLP, Coaching, overcoming self-doubt, two selves

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching: Kanika, Session 3: Finding Joy, Happiness, and Self in Personal Relationships

    The focus of this coaching session for Kanika is feeling comfortable in close, personal relationships.

    The self-doubt that we have been exploring appears in a different way here: In work relationships, she is solid and confident; but in personal relationships, particularly those with close friends, she feels a sense of loss when conflicts occur and asks herself, "What did I do wrong?"

    We connect to her perception of her empowered self who is joyful, happy and in the moment, then connect that to an embodiment and integration of that self.

    We discuss how she shows up at work as a role, and how in close relationships, it is her self that is engaged. How does the role give her a shield that her vulnerable self does not yet have?

    Through an Neuro-Liguistic Programming (NLP) exercise, Kanika places her concerns and doubts into a container and releases them.

    She then chooses to move forward with lighter, more positive energy as she embraces the observer state for these situations.

Laird: creating a purpose & passion-based business

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Coaching

    The Summit Series: Coaching Conversations. Laird, Session #1

    In this first session of Laird’s Summit Series, you’ll see how a client’s experiences and their internal narrative can create obstacles to their next peak achievement.

    Those same experiences also hold the keys to unlocking their inner wisdom, resolve, and commitment to climb for success in new ventures.

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Coaching

    The Summit Series: Coaching Conversations. Laird, Session #2.

    As we move into our second conversation, Laird unlocks more of his inner knowing and connects strongly to his swagger that has served him in the past as he continues moving forward with defining his personal entrepreneurial venture.

    This session is a navigation of head vs heart, and showcases how our internal dialogues can hold us back from taking new, bold action.

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Entrepreneur Coaching

    The Summit Series: Coaching Conversations. Laird, Session #3

    Session 3 with Laird is shorter than our previous two sessions, but that does not reduce the power of the conversation!

    This session focuses on shifting old imposter syndrome stories of unworthiness, that have been challenging Laird's progress forward, into rock-solid confidence and an "I got this. Get out of my way." belief.

  • How to build a business network

    The Summit Series: Coaching Conversations. Laird, Session #4: Community Building

    In Laird's fourth session, we are a bit more process-oriented in uncovering and discovering how he can build a community for his business idea.

    As you'll see, Laird has taken a lot of action in our work together.

    He's gone from unsure how to start and what to do in Session 1, to declaring his dream and having conversations with others to bring it into reality.

    How do car shows relate to building a network and experience for plants? You'll find out during this conversation!

    These discussions in the Summit Series are REAL coaching.

    I don't provide answers or unsustainable fixes for my clients. I help them tap into their internal knowledge and well of resources to rediscover their innate inner wisdom and strength.

    The person who remembers how strong they are, how powerful they are, knows that they are bigger than the problems they've created.

    In those moments, the problems either go away or get solved.

    I don't believe in solving problems. I believe in solving people.

    Help the person solve themself, and their problems will disappear.

    #communitybuilding, #businesscoaching, #createanexperience, #customerexperience, #networkingskills #entrepreneurideas, #entrpreneurship, #passionproject, #howtobuildabusiness,

  • Finding purpose through internal reflection

    The Summit Series: Finding Purpose, Discovering Your The 'Why' of your goals

    After our discussion about community building in the previous session, Laird realizes he is struggling with finding his "Why" for the project.

    See the power of a metaphor as we build a pearl around the irritation that he is feeling as the project develops.

  • Discovering commitment is an inside job. What are you commited to?

    The summit series: Navigating Distractions and Discovering Commitment

    As we close out our six sessions together, Laird and I have a deep discussion about commitment.

    The original focus of the session is to create the criteria for team members to create an "in it for the long-haul" community.

    The conversation quickly dives into commitment. What is Laird committed to, and at what level?

    In closing, Laird mentions that it's interesting how everything starts within each of us.

Jenny: Overcoming Money myths & embracing self-worth and love

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Coaching Jenny Barker The Flower Doctor

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching. Jenny, Session #1

    In her first Summit Series session, Jenny Barker, The Flower Doctor sets big financial goals for our work together.

    As she describes her existing relationship with money, and the desire for a new one, Jenny literally has a light-bulb moment and remembers the signs are all around her to empower her to create mantras that resonate with the creation of her financial dream.

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Coaching

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching. Jenny, Session #2.

    Finding acceptance in rejection, Jenny realizes her lack of sleep has been sabotaging her efforts to live in her power.

    There's a really spooky, and metaphorical, moment where her surroundings go dark as she navigates her inner dialogue. The light around her shifts as she realizes and reclaims her power and confidence.

  • Daniel Olexa, MCC Entrepreneur Coachinging

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching. Jenny, Session #3

    Jenny's third Summit Series session is an intense conversation on the experiences of blaming, finger-pointing, identity, manifestation blocks that shifts to energies of release, acceptance, & self-worth.

    This session contains multiple F-Bombs, so be warned if you have sensitive ears. This is real conversation on an intense subject with a deep dive into personal beliefs of sabotage, deserving, and worthiness.

  • The Flower Doctor Laughing, Transformational Coaching

    The Summit Series: Transformational Coaching. Jenny, Session #4.

    Description goesThis session is a deep-dive into #vulnerability and #selfsabotage, as Jenny and I dig into the patterns of how she's been showing up for herself and others.

    We literally unlock the door she's been keeping herself behind to feel #safeandsecure instead of #beingseen and leading the creation of her intended life.

    #lifecoaching, #realtalk, #avoidance, #overcomingselfdoubt #overcomingshame, #negativeselftalk #manifesting, #patterns #coaching #transformationalcoaching

  • vulnerability, emotional release, entity release

    The summit series: Transformational Coaching. Jenny, Session #5:

    In our fifth session, Jenny shares BIG news: The progress and improvement of her sleep as well as how she is using her voice.

    And then the fun begins!

    Starting with the awareness of her inner imposter judging the launch of her new website 19 weeks earlier with the thought, “You’re a fucking loser” we dive deep into Jenny’s internal dialogue.

    The conversation gets real, raw, emotional, and vulnerable.

    Once this imposter is exposed, we discover that it is NOT a part of Jenny, but instead an #entityattachment of old ideas and energy that has been lingering in her space for years.

    We wipe it out. Done. Gone.

    Then Jenny fills that old space with affirmations of her powerful self, including, “I am a positive force!” and reinforces her worthiness!

    Powerful stuff!

  • success, coaching conclusion, momentum, positive energy

    the summit series: Transformational coaching. Jenny, Session #6

    Our final session in the series!

    Big News! Jenny announces her signed book contract and the reception of money.

    This is a session of #celebration and shift, calling back situations from our previous conversations and tying it all up in a bow.

    Jenny’s train is rolling and the focus of this session is #momentum: How to keep momentum and release what has been holding her back.

    You have to see the train metaphor and how it leads to another release of entity energy, the imposter/stowaway that had been hiding and riding on Jenny’s train of progress.

    Yeah, it got kicked off…

    How does it all wrap up? You’ll have to see…but you should know, someone in this video is “fucking brilliant!”